Welcome to the Concerning the Way Web site!
Welcome to the Concerning the Way Web site! Here you will find the Bible Studies that I have been teaching in my home and by email since the fall of 2007. I have created PDF files of the studies, which you can download.
Those of you who are on the email list are already getting these studies, but if you have missed some of them you can download them from here.
If you want to be put on the email list, just send me an email requesting to be added. They are completely free, and no information will be asked of you. If you would like to know where I get my resources for these studies from, check out the Extra Articles and Sources page, where you can find the sources listed and links to their Web sites. You can also find other articles that are relevant to the weekly studies.
Thank you for your interest in these studies, and I pray that they will help you grow in the knowledge of God. Studying God’s Word is the only way you can get to know who He is and what His plan is for you and for the earth! God Bless!
– Dusty Rhodes |